Social Justice and Capacity Development Organization (SJCDO) is an Independent non-allied, non-political, non-profitable, non-governmental civil society organization established on March 3, 2009 in Afghanistan and registered with the Ministry of Justice license No. 1425. SJCDO is a technical, humanitarian-oriented organization has a goal to take active part in humanitarian actions regarding the Social Justice and Development activities. The human rights violations in Afghanistan are increasing day by days and the social justice and development organization struggle to prevent such violations against women, children, men and minority in Afghanistan and provide for them the development programmes. Social Justice, Human rights refer to the "basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled.” Examples of rights and freedoms which have come to be commonly thought of as human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education and development.
Equal Opportunity concentrates on treating all people equally and providing people with equal rights. Basically, it is about giving everyone a 'fair go'. However, since inequality still exists in society treating everyone the same does not necessarily mean fairness of treatment. The provision of equality of opportunity must be combined with social justice principles to provide substantive equality to marginalized groups. Social justice provides equitable outcomes to marginalized groups by recognizing past disadvantage and existence of structural barriers embedded in the social, economic and political system that perpetuate systemic discrimination.
Furthermore, beside the social Justice, the individual needs the development and safety. Development means meeting basic needs, reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment, raising living standards, improving access to education, , health, social services, water supply and sanitation, food aid, raising life expectancy, expanding economic and social choice (ie ends) through appropriate economic growth.
Social Justice and Capacity Development Organization (SJCDO) is an Independent ,Non-allied, non-political, non-profitable, non-governmental civil society organization. SJCDO is a technical, humanitarian-oriented Organization has a goal to take active part in social justice, human rights and development activities.
Any adult individual is liable to acquire membership of SJCDO provided that remains loyal to commitment to perform his/her duties for achieving the objectives of SJCDO indefatigably.